Senior Week!
Timeline & Events
Please note that the senior admin team is still coordinating the specific details of these events. This is simply to provide parents & students with a timeline as we reconfigure the seniors' final week of school leading up to graduation!
Soak in your final academic day [of classes] with donuts and friends as the sun rises over campus!
DAY OF SERVICE (Or No School) ~ Monday, May 12th
Coming to campus on this day is optional for seniors. If interested, students will select one 2 hour time slot, either on 5/12 or 5/14, to participate in a community service activity. These various activities will be supervised by senior homeroom teachers. Please note that several options will be previewed to seniors during Activate on March 5th & 6th; some will be completed on campus, while others will be completed off campus with local organizations. Seniors should align their choices with their transportation needs.
If students opt to participate on Monday, May 12th, then they will not report to campus on Wednesday, May 14th. Similarly, if they opt to complete their service on Wednesday, May 14th, then they will not report to campus on Monday, May 12th.
Students who are not interested will stay home both days.
BIKE RIDE & FIELD DAY ~ Tuesday, May 13th
Seniors will assemble in the Meijer parking lot at 6:50am, and the bike ride to campus will begin promptly at 7:20am!
After arrival, please report directly to the Football Field for Field Day
Pizza & soda will be provided for lunch
Field Day will conclude with a Splin n' Slide. Seniors need to be off campus by noon.
DAY OF SERVICE (Or No School) ~ Wednesday, May 14th
Coming to campus on this day is optional for seniors. If interested, students will select one 2 hour time slot, either on 5/12 or 5/14, to participate in a community service activity. These various activities will be supervised by senior homeroom teachers. Please note that several options will be previewed to seniors during Activate on March 5th & 6th; some will be completed on campus, while others will be completed off campus with local organizations. Seniors should align their choices with their transportation needs.
If students opt to participate on Monday, May 12th, then they will not report to campus on Wednesday, May 14th. Similarly, if they opt to complete their service on Wednesday, May 14th, then they will not report to campus on Monday, May 12th.
Students who are not interested will stay home both days.
GRADUATION PRACTICE ~ Thursday, May 15th
Breakfast will begin at 6:45am. Students need to be in the cafeteria by 7:15am sharp.
Students will be communicated their seating position ahead of time. Please arrive to rehearsal already knowing your seat number & section leader! This will come from Mrs.Miller via email sometime in May.
Tickets & caps/gowns/chords will be distributed directly at rehearsal
Students participating in elementary walk-throughs will visit their desired location after rehearsal concludes. More information to come!
NO SCHOOL FOR SENIORS ~ Friday, May 16th
Please use this time to take your graduation photos and rest ahead of the busy weekend!
GRADUATION ~ Sunday, May 18th at Cintas Center (1:00pm)
Seniors must report to the banquet room no later than 12:15pm
More information will be communicated closer to graduation/ at the rehearsal.
Please email Mrs.Gregory ( if you have questions pertaining to Senior Week.